Fast Technologies is a Total IT solution provider firm. Our main product line includes Computers with all type of accessories, Panasonic Telephone exchange System, CCTV Security Cameras system with complete solution, many others Security equipments, Physical Network designing and installation including fiber cable, Wireless Networking inside and outside, website developing and hosting. Sample Basically, our firm is providing a big range of Electronic office automation Products and Accessories at one window for your comfort. If you have any question or need any information please feel free to contact us M.sajjad PH: 2605818-9 Cell: 03315102226 Fax: 2605819
Address: Suit no.4-A,Ist Floor, Mehmood Plaza,Fazal-e-Haq Road, Blue Area,Islamabad.(Near Fresco sweets)
Phone number: +92-51-2605818-9
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